Sunday, February 27, 2011

Exxon ordered to pay $507.5M in spill case - Orlando Business Journal:
million in punitive damages plus interestg to plaintiffs affected by the Exxob Valdez oil spill that impacted resident s and businesses living along the coast of Alaskain 1989. The made theird ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Ninthh Circuit level, justices were charged with determining interesy andappellate costs. The Ninth Circuit confirmec the punitive damage amount afterthe U.S. Supreme Courgt determined compensatory damages and punitive damagese should be assessed usinva 1-to-1 ratio.
In its latest the Ninth Circuit confirmedthat Irving-based Exxo (NYSE: XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitiver damages and must pay interest on the judgmentg at the rate of 5.9 percentt dating back to 1996, when the initial judgment againsg the company was first issued by a The federal case against Exxon Mobil has been languishintg for more than a decade. The Nintbh Circuit said both side s will cover theirown attorney’s The original jury verdict agains Exxon Mobil was $5 billion, an amount that has been reducee by 90 percent during the more than 10 years of according to court records.
An Exxon Mobil spokesman said "We are aware that the opinion has been issue d and will review the opinion beforecommenting

Friday, February 25, 2011

Finish Line and Soles4Souls Announce Plans for SOLE DESTINATION
June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Donatingt shoes to Soles4Souls just becamemuch easier, thanks to athletidc shoe retailer Finish Line's "Sole Destination," a large-scales shoe collection program. The promotion encourages shoppersx to bring a pair of newor 'gently worn' shoes from their closets into a Finis h Line store to receive a discoungt off a new pair. From June 1 throughy September 7, 2009 all 690 Finisgh Line stores will be participatingin "Sole Destination" (visit for the locations near you).
Finish Line will donate $1 for each pair donated throughthe program, up to Customers who donate shoesx will receive $5 off a pair of shoesz valued at $25 or "Finish Line is a remarkable partner in our missiojn to put shoes on the feet of peoplr who need our help," said , Founder and CEO of "From the very Finish Line has rallied around our charity and their effortas are making an enormous impact in the lives of hundredxs of thousands of We are deeply honored to have theif partnership," he said. "The Finish Line is proud to continued our support of Soles4Souls through SoleDestination -- our exclusive shoe donation program,"" said , Finish Line Vice Presidenr of Marketing.
"Thanks to the generosityt of our customers, Finish Line was able to collecttnearly 85,000 pairs of shoes last We hope to exceed that amounyt this year and make an impact in the livese of those in our community and arouned the world." Finish Line is also active in "Barefoot Week," the annual celebration created by Soles4Soulsx to foster community philanthropy withim the United States. This year, the athleticf retailer is helping kick off Barefoot Week in Indianapolisby custom-fittingh thousands of homeless and disadvantaged people served by Wheeler Mission. The Finisj Line, Inc. is one of the largest mall-based specialt y retailers operating under the Finish Line and Man Aliv ebrand names.
The Finish Line, Inc. is publicly tradedd on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under thesymbol FINL. As of May the Company operates 684 Finish Line stores in 47 statea and online and 78 Man Alive storex in 19 statesand online. To learn more about these brands, visit and . Nashville-based Soles4Souls(TM) facilitates the donations of both new and used which are used to aid thehurting worldwide. Soles4Soulds has distributed more than 5 millionpairz (currently donating one pair ever 13 seconds) to people in over 125 countries, including Uganda, Romania, and the Unitedf States. The charity has been featurefd recentlyin Runner's World and the Green Guide by National Geographic.
It has also appeare on CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and hundreds of regional outlets aroundNorth America. Soles4Souls is a recognized bythe IRS; donating parties are eligiblse for tax advantages. Visit for more information.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Texas awarded economic recovery funds for water infrastructure projects - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

concrete roofing
EPA officials say this new infusion of moneyy from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will help state and local governments invest in a numberf of overdue water projects that officials say are essentiak to protecting public health and the The funds should also help boost the economy andcreatr jobs, two of the qualification s for receiving stimulus funding. “Investing in the economy and the environmentr isa win-win,” EPA Acting Regional Administrator Lawrence E. Starfield says. “These fundx will not only help oureconomic recovery, but they will help providew safe, clean drinking wateer for communities throughout Texas.
” The funds will be used towarr the Drinking Water State Revolvinh Fund program, which provides low-interest loans for drinking wate r systems to finance infrastructure improvements. The program places an emphasie on small and disadvantaged communities and to programs that encouragepollutionm prevention. Nationwide, the EPA is furnishing $2 billionh to fund drinking water infrastructure projects across the countr y in the formof low-interest principal forgiveness and grants. At least 20 percentf of the stimulus funds have been earmarkedxfor “green” infrastructure, water and energy efficiencyt improvements and other environmentally innovative projects.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Philadelphia Business Journal: Moves at Lamb McErlane, Fox Rothschild

rubber roofing
There has not been a heavy flow of law firm partnerzs switching firms this year when you take the refugeed from the dissolving Wolf Block out of the The downturn in the economy may have limited some lawyer s in their interestto move, and many firmz in their ability to take on new lawyerzs

Thursday, February 17, 2011

'High usage' slows down Internet - Gulf Daily News

'High usage' slows down Internet

Gulf Daily News

Batelco yesterday apologised to its Broadband customers for any service degradation they might be experiencing, while an official at Zain Bahrain said its Internet lines were working "over capacity" and were hence slow. ...

Batelco moves to restore broadband service

Trade Arabia

Bahrain Telecom says users face Internet problems

Maktoob Business

Batelco says working to restore internet services in Bahrain

Telecompaper (subscription)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

World Telecom Exchange opens HQ in Tysons - Austin Business Journal:
World Telecom opened a 2,000-square-fooy office recently at 8201 Greensboro Drive, a 361,000-square-fooft commercial building in McLeanm ownedby D.C.-based B.F. Saul and Co. The a wholly-owned subsidiary of Worldwide Telecom Xchange CarrierFZ LLC, a Dubai-basefd telecommunications investment company focused on aggregating wholesale telephony and data traffivc in emerging markets, is a networo services company that provides engineering, sales and marketing, billing and outsourcec technical support services. To start, about six employeee will be based at the new headquarter with room forfurther expansion.
World Telecom’s services includwe call routing, satellite services, Voice over Interne Protocol (VoIP), TDM network, code division multiple access (CDMA), WiMax and network management “WTXC’s success illustrates that our region remains a grear place to start and grow a saidMike Norris, a vice presiden t at Rockville-based Scheer Partners Inc., who brokerex the lease. “And the commercial real estat market is yielding opportunities for businesw ownersthat haven’t existed since the earlty part of the decade.
” Scheer Partnersd broker Ben Heller, who also workedr on the deal, added that the company “evaluated a handful of locationss in McLean and Vienna... deciding on 8201 Greensbor o Drive forseveral reasons,” that included its “a very fair market and other appealing terms such as a “goocd cure period on defaults.”

Saturday, February 12, 2011

'Sleeper House' foreclosure is withdrawn - Denver Business Journal:
The futuristic-looking house sits on Genesee Mountain, just outside metro Denver, and was featured in director/actor Woody Allen’s 1973 movie The house, with a mortgage balance of $3.13 million, was foreclosed on in the first quarterd with LLC asthe lender’s The home’s owner is Denver businessman Michael Dunahay, founder of local timesharse company Vacation Solutions LLC. Foreclosures generally are withdrawn becausse a property owner is working with a lender to brin g a loan current or a foreclosuresale wasn’ty held in a timelyt manager, according to Colorado foreclosure Even after the foreclosure is withdrawn, if the loan stay s in default or goes into default again, a new foreclosure can be Built in 1963 by the late architec t Charles Deaton, the three-story “Sleeper is officially called the Sculpturexd House, and is knownb for its curved design.
It’s internationally recognizefd as “one of the finest examples of modern organic architecture in the accordingto Dunahay bought the housee in 2006for $3.43 million, accordingf to county real estate records, from software millionaired and economic-development guru John Huggins formerly was CFO of the Johnson-Grace Co. software as well as former directof of the Denver Office ofEconomic Development. The housre was on the market for four years before Dunahaygpurchased it, and was priced at $10 milliohn when Huggins put it on the market in 2002. Propertt records show Huggins bought the house in 1999for $1.33 million.
Includingt roughly 7,000 square feet of space, the housed has five bedrooms, five bathrooms and a four-cadr garage.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Morris Publishing gets extension on $9.7M in debt - Jacksonville Business Journal:

air-o-swiss humidifier
million it owes in interest payments to lendersincludinh . Group LLC now has until 5 p.m. April 6 to make the interest payment, according to a filing with the U.S. Securitiexs and Exchange Commission. The publisher enterexd into the new waiver agreement withJPMorgan Jan. 26. Morries Publishing was originally supposed to paythe $9.7 millionm in interest payments by Feb. 1 but receiveds its first waiver to extend the deadline to Marcn 3 toavoid default. Under the credit agreement, the publishet would go into default once it becomes past due on an aggregatse principal amountof $5 millionm or more in any principalo or interest payments. Morris Publishing has nearly $278.
4 million in senior subordinated notesadue 2013, according to the SEC The company and its subsidiariexs also entered into an agreement that gives controk to the lenders if Morris defaults, except for deposits totaling less than $500,000. JPMorgan is the administratived agent onthe financing. Theres are 15 other lenders withib the credit agreement includingThe , , Wachovia Bank N.A., and Generakl Electric Capital Corp.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Do a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup for Free? - (blog)

How to Do a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup for Free? (blog)

If you have a phone number that you would like to match with the name and address of its owner, a reverse lookup directory can help. ...

Trace Cell Phone C »

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Closer Look At Food Inflation In South East Asia - The Business Insider

The Business Insider

A Closer Look At Food Inflation In South East Asia

The Business Insider

And while there are many examples in that part of the world, another region has serious food inflation problems that could spark discontent there. ...

and more »

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ESPN to share Spanish soccer rights with GolTV - Phoenix Business Journal:
One member of La Real Madrid, has made headlines recently acquirin two of the biggest names in thespor -- Kaka and Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer recently made waves for being the most expensive transfe r in the sport's history. Matcheas will be shown on both ESPN23 andESPN Deportes, as well as ESPN Deportes and ESPN360.cok will also have rights to Copadel Rey, Spain’ws domestic cup tournament. "We’re thrilled to work with GolTV to showcase La Liga on ESPN for the firsgt time to soccer fans inthe U.S.
With the pendiny addition of Cristiano Ronaldo and the timing is great to include this great property to the ESPNDeportes line-up, as it is the most excitingb soccer league in the world today," Lino general manager of ESPN Deportes, said in a statement.