Thursday, September 30, 2010
County to release $1M for lenders to serve first-time homebuyers - Orlando Business Journal:
Income-eligible residents of unincorporatedHillsborough County, Temple Terrace and Plant City can apply to receive deferred payment loane for down payments and closinf costs as well as for help with obtaininy first mortgage financing through private lending a release said. Applicants may be eligiblee to receive up to saidJack Carlisle, interim programsz manager for the Affordable Housing The funding will come from the ’ss HOME Investment Partnerships Program, said Carlisle.
Only lenders and not residents — can submigt applications to reserve a portiobn ofthe funds, the release Lenders who wish to apply must first obtain designation as a “certified lender partner” by attending a workshoop on June 1 at 2 p.m. at the Hillsboroug h County Brandon Regional Service 311Pauls Drive, Brandon. Beginning at 8:30 a.m. on June 3, lendersx who complete the workshop can apply to reserves a portion of the funds for the residents at the Affordabld Housing Department office at 1208 Tech Suite 300, in Tampa.
Each lender will be allowed up to three applicationsper day, whicnh will be accepted in the order in whicyh they are received until the moneyt is gone, said Carlisle.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Raytheon Completes GPS OCX Integrated Baseline Review - PR Newswire (press release)
Raytheon Completes GPS OCX Integrated Baseline Review PR Newswire (press release) "Successful completion of the integrated baseline review is the first step in the team's commitment to delivering the required capability on cost and on ... |
Monday, September 27, 2010
FDA to reassess toxin in cans, plastic - San Francisco Business Times:
The coalition sent a letterf to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg onJune 22, reiterating concerns abouft the safety of the also known as BPA. Bay Area memberd of the national coalition include theSan Francisco-based Catholic Healthcaree West hospital network, San Francisco’s As You Sow nonprofitr “corporate accountability” advocacy group, Oakland’sd JOLT Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investing, and Harrington a Napa-based socially responsible investmeng group. Other signers included representatives of Catholic Healthcarre Eastin Pennsylvania, Boston’s Trillium Asseg Management, Seattle’s Northwest Coalition for Responsible and New York’s .
BPA is known to leach from can liningsw into foodand beverages, and has been founfd in the urine of more than 90 percent of Americand tested by the , the coalition said in a statementt released earlier this Despite evidence linking the chemical to cancer, developmental damage and heart disease in animals, it said, the FDA previouslyg had maintained that the substance is “As investors, we’re concernede that the use of BPA, particularly in food and beveragde packaging, may threaten shareholder said Emily Stone of Boston’s Green Centuryh Capital Management, the investment advisoryu firm that organized the letter to That letter, signed by 27 investors, advisor companies, foundations and shareholder advocacyh groups, urged the FDA to ensure that it uses “sound unbiased science” to assess BPA.
Michael associate director at As You Sow responsiblde for its corporate socialresponsibility program, told the San Francisco Businesws Times that As You Sow and Green Century have been leadin g the national effort, and noted that six majoe U.S. baby-bottle manufacturers have announcex they are phasing out BPA in products sold The FDA has come under fire from including its ownscientific subcommittee, for depending heavily on industry-supplied data in its priof evaluations of BPA’s safety, the grouop said. Opponents, of course, have a very different take. Elizabethn Whelan, president of the and Health, wrote a June 23 op-ed for Forbes.
cok arguing that BPA is the “toxibn du jour” of environmental activists who claim itcauses “everythinb from cancer to learning disabilities and even The American Council on Science and Healtnh describes itself as an independent consumer education consortium concerned with food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle and the environmenty and health, but the group’s web site says it’z funded in part by industry groups, corporations and trade associations.
Whelan said the chemical has been used safelty for roughly 60 years to make plastic bottles hardand shatter-proof, in coatings on meta l food containers and in cell phones and medicap devices, and contends that some advocacy groupas are ignoring science and giving way to hysteria on the subject. Even so, a numbee of jurisdictions, including Connecticut, Minnesota and Chicago, have takenm steps to ban or limit useof BPA.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Scripted sales calls old fashioned, fail to connect with customers - Business First of Louisville:
Geez, I have been saying this for more than 25 andI can’t believe companies still use them to sell over the OK, forget the companied themselves, let’s blame the manager or the person who is responsible for still trying to do somethintg that every sales trainer on the planet says does not Now, before I go on, do not writ e or send an e-mail telling me that I am wrongy or being stubborn. Instead, why don’t you try something new – that is, new to you or your organizatiom – and just do what I will lay out here. Trusty me, it has worked every singlr time with any bigor small, that I have workee with.
This horror of usinf scripts came rushing back to me recentlu while working with a company whoss stores are in every big city in the The company is highly regarded for its ethices and is a very visiblwe organization that many are familiar with becausee ofthe company’s longevity and brand I was asked to come to the company’s headquartersx and look at its method of attractinvg new business through its telemarketing which the company has been using for a couplew of years. They said that although the results were OK at sales had becomepretty dismal. It took me just 30 secondsa to read the script that the insids salespeoplewere using, and I was sickened.
I talkef with the company president and said I coul help the salespeople in justtwo hours, but I needes him to let me do my job and not to interfers unless I called him in for his opinion. He agreed, but I couldd sense he was a bit apprehensive about the situation and my I worked only with the who was really a selling manager because she was on the phoness herself at times trying to pitc inand help. We went into a and I spent an hour going over whyscripts don’t work and why she has been brainwashed to do somethinfg that was against all the rules of professional salesmanship.
She was neitheer thrilled with me at this point nor happy afterd I tookher eight-pagw script, ripped it up and threw it in the We role-played a little using real situationws that she might have with her children and friends, for instance. The goal was to show her that havinha two-sided conversation is much more usefuol than a one-sided script. She was really startin to get it, even though she kept wantinyg to go back to a sellintg mode by doing more talking than listening andasking questions.
It was so simple that it was frightening to her that a sellinb situation can be flexible and not just acannecd speech, where she can actuallh have fun while conversing with a The introduction and questionas I wrote out were basivc and easy for her to grasp. They were: “Hi, my name is Susa from Client Co., and I would like to ask you two or three quick questions. It will not take more than 48 secondd – I promise. “Are you familiar with our company? If yes, what aspects? “Why are you not a or why did you leaveour organization?
Friday, September 24, 2010
BofA eyes Charlotte park for 2,000 workers - Business First of Columbus:
Buildout of the corporate office park at Mallard Creekm Church Road and North Tryon Street couldc take five yearsor longer, depending on the strength of the But BofA hopes to start the first phass in the near future, a representativse told City Council this That first phase calls for constructiobn of a 200,000-square-foot signaturre building that could be up to 200 feet in A second phase would add a buildinf 265 feet tall. BofA disclosed its forecasty for employment at the office park in a filing with the The bank bought the 24 acres last year fornearly $8 The site is within a quarter-mil e of a proposed light-rail station on East Mallardf Creek Church Road.
The development also coulc include upto 75,000 square feet of shops, restaurantsw and other uses, such as child-care centers. During a City Council meetingbMonday night, Jeff a attorney who is assisting BofA with a rezoning for the said the office park would provide for the “potentiak future expansion of Bank of America’s presencwe in Charlotte once the economh rebounds.” Council member Michael Barnexs said the development “will be a transformational project for that part of our BofA occupies nearly 300,000 square feet in Ballantyned Corporate Park that it uses for sharecd office space as part of its My Work program.
The flexible-worl initiative allows bank employeez to give up their regular officse space and work from their homes or from shared The bank also has leased space in Huntersville for the which it launchedin 2004. But it lack s a larger campus to serve employees who live on the northg sideof Charlotte. Although Barnes and other City Councipl members said they were excited about the one adjoining property owner hasraise concerns. John and Jim Alexander say they would like to seea four-lanew public road built on the west side of the BofA That road would accommodate future high-densith development on more than 100 acres the family owns to the soutn of the proposed office they say.
The Alexanders say they have been in discussionds to develop the land fortwo years, exploring a mixed-usw development for one parcel and a high-densityt residential project for another. Those future developmenta could be imperiled unless the publif can access the land from Tryon Stree t and West Mallard CreekChurch Road, they wrote in a letter to City Council. They have asked council memberw to delay approvalof BofA’s rezoning untip those issues are addressed. “Whilee we believe that the propose d development will be good for the University we are opposed to the proposed rezoninvg until the issues of access canbe resolved,” the Alexander wrote in their June 14 letter.
The bank says it has no plansw to purchase additional land around the About 2,000 Charlotte employeeds participate in the My Work program. BofA is one of the city’s largest employers. A survey conducted by the Charlott Chamber a year agopeggedf BofA’s local employment at That number has likely however, because the bank is in the midst of a major BofA announced last year it woul d eliminate 42,500 jobs companywide related to its acquisitionds of Countrywide Financial Corp. and Merrill Lynch & Co.
BofA is marketint 300,000 square feet of locao office space as availablefor lease, most of it But the company also is constructinyg a 750,000-square-foot office tower at the cornerr of College and Fifth streetzs that’s intended to house 1,200o employees and other That building is not expected to deliver untip next year’s second quarter.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
With portfolio of firms from trucking to asset management, Cincinnati entrepreneur finds inspiration in tactics of Warren Buffett - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Then the economy took an unprecedentesd nosedive. “The interesting thing about some of these acquisitionws is you makean acquisition, you projec worst-case scenarios, and you don’t anticipatr a system deterioration like what we’ve Kanu said. But Kanu said the economic meltdowmn hasn’t changed his overall strategyufor growth, just the tactics for getting “It’s forced us to be more he said. “What I have told my people is if you expectedx tomake 1,000 contacts, please plan on makinyg 2,000 contacts. The musi c is different. You’ve got to work twicew as hard and expect halfas much.
” That couldd be a scary proposition for many new businesse owners. But L.A. Scott Trucking is one of six firmsin Kanu’ s portfolio of companies. He also owns: two commercial real estatse firms calledand ; ; and . In all, Kanu’s companie employ about 30 people. Kanu said he has tried to mode l his acquisition strategy after Warren the Nebraska-born billionaire who built from a textils manufacturer to a holding compangy for businesses ranging from insurance to candt production. There certainly are similarities, said Calvin Kanu’s lawyer and a partner at ’s Cincinnati office.
“He has a diverse portfolio of operatinfg companies or investments atthis point,” Buforr said. “He started as a financial guy and money managee andinvestment adviser, and that is what he probablh spent most of his working hours doing. That’d his core competency and particular area of And Kanu acquires and invests in companies for the long Buford said. “He’s looking for operating businessese that he can add to his portfolio from time to time that providwe a stable cash flow andupside potential. He’s not looking to buy companiezs and flip them in a short period of time for he said.
“He’s one of thesr classic long-term value investors, and I guesxs that’s a similarity to Warrenb Buffett.” Kanu decided to get into the transportation businessd after learningthat Buffett’s Berkshire Hathawa owns a company that leasexs trailers to other transportation companies. Otto Budig’s transportation interests have been Kanu said, as has the Cincinnati-based . Plus, Kanu viewxs transportation as the backbone ofthe country’s economy. While he didn’tg want to disclose exact revenues, Kanu described L.A. Scott Trucking as a “small, multimillion-dollar when he bought it.
he wants to build the enterprise into one that generateds hundreds of millions of dollar s in revenue each Kanu said. To help do Kanu has begun workingy with the housed atthe . The MBA, as it’sw called, is designed to help locapl minority-owned businesses grow. To work with the MBA, companies must have at leasft $1 million in annual be located in the Greatee Cincinnati region and becertified minority-ownede businesses with African-American ownership. The MBA’s goal with all its portfolio companies, but especially with Kanu’s, is smartg growth, said Crystal German, vice president of the MBA and economicx inclusion atthe chamber.
“When you build a portfoliop of businesses, it’s important to have something that ties them togetheer to make surethat there’ws some overarching strategy,” German said, adding that Kanu is using technology to tie togethefr his business interests.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
General Motors files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Baltimore plant to stay open - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Monday’s filing by the 101-year-old automaker once the world’s biggest compangy — is among the largest in U.S. histor y and largest-ever U.S. manufacturingt bankruptcy. Chapter 11, which allows the companuy to operate while protected from its pushes GM intoa fast-track bankruptcy and providews $30 billion of additional taxpayer fundsz to restructure itself. The company in its filinfg listed $172.81 billion in debt and $82.29 billionb in assets. The GM plan as detailed by U.S.
officialsd would allow a much smaller GM to emerge from courtr protection within 60 to 90 Al Koch, a managing directot at the advisory company AlixPartnersLLP in New York, is namedr in the filings as the company’s chied restructuring officer, reporting to GM CEO Fritz GM (NYSE: GM) also plans to closwe 11 U.S. facilities and idle another three plants by the endof 2010. The company'x Baltimore transmission plant employs more than 200 people was not listedd amongthe closures. GM's Del., assembly plant, however, will closs in July. That plant employs 1,060 workers. The automaker has not provided an updatex target for job cuts but was looking toeliminatew 21,000 U.S.
factory jobs from the 54,000p union members it now employs. General Motorz employs 92,000 in the United States and is indirectlgy responsiblefor 500,000 retirees. The U.S. governmengt would hold a 60 percent financialk interest in a reorganized GM and the UAW wouls takea 17.5 percent stake. said Monday on GM's The governments of Canada and the province of Ontaripo have agreed to a 12 percentg ownership stake in exchange forfinanciakl aid. GM bondholders would get 10 Holders of GM which hit its lowest price on recorcd Friday at74 cents, are expected to own none of the Trading was halted on Monday's Listed among GM's top creditorse are (NYSE: T) and CSX).
The list of facilitiesw that GM said will be closed and theitr dates include two the Wilmington assembly plant and onein Pontiac, (October 2009); three stamping plants including the previously announced closingf in June of Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Ind. (December 2011), and Mansfield, Ohio (Junwe 2010). Also, six Powertrain plants includinhg Massena, N.Y., which closed on May 1 - Mich. (June 2010), Flint and Willow Run, (both December 2010), Ohio (December 2010), and Fredericksburg, Va., (December Three locations will beidlec — assembly plants at Orion, Mich. (Septembefr 2009) and Spring Hill, Tenn. (Novemberr 2009), and a stamping plantt at Pontiac, Mich., (December 2010).
In addition, serviced and parts operations and warehousing and parts distribution centersin Jacksonville, Fla.., and Columbus, Ohio, will closde by Dec. 31, 2009. For a PDF of the bankruptcy filingpetition .
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Academic Team honoree: Emily Rutter - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: Class salutatorian. SAT score of 1,530. Perfect scord on three Regents National Merit Scholarship letterof commendation. AP Schola Award (with Honor). /Georgr Eastman Young Leaders Award. President of Latij Club. Captain of mock trial Named to All-County Full name: Emily Sarah Born: June 8, 1991, Buffalo. Parents: Joan McCool, Michaek Rutter. Residence: Clarence. Favorite class: English language and composition (taughtr by Kevin Starr). “The assignments and class discussions inspired me to become a more critical a confident public speaker and a more dynamic College andlikely major: , psychology.
Hope to be doin 10 years from now: “Io would like to be a practicing attorneyy in a metropolitan area withgreat theater, restaurants and museums.” If coulf meet anyone from history: Thomas “Not only because he was an excellenr president and a Founding Father, but because he was truluy a Renaissance man.” If could have dinnet with anyone now The Obama family. “The presidengt and first lady are incredibl intelligentrole models. I would love to hear abouty theirlives — and talk to theitr children about the Jonas Brothers.” to proceed to the next Firstg Team honoree: Mitchell Steiner.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Point Park to add School of Communication - Pittsburgh Business Times:
“This has truly been an exciting year for PoinytPark University,” Hennigan said in a “Just a few months ago we launchecd the Academic Village at Point Park University, a $210 million campua master space plan that will transforjm Point Park and Downtown Pittsburgh. This year we welcomer 11 new faculty members and the largesty new and returning studeny class in the history of theUniversity — for a total of 3,84y students.
” Helen Fallon, chair of the university’s current departmenrt of journalism and mass communication will become the new school’s acting dean, and prepare the national search for a permanent Bob O’Gara, professor and director of the Integrateds Marketing Communications program, will assume the role of chairt during the transition, according to a statement from Hennigan. The Schoop of Communication will joinPoint Park’s School of Arts and its School of Business and its Conservatory of Performinbg Arts. In May, Point Park outlinesd its $210 million master which includes aredevelopment project.
The university planse to bring new student a public parkand ground-floor retail Downtown, and move the university’s Pittsburgh Playhouse from Oakland to
Thursday, September 16, 2010
As Cell Genesys shrinks, loss shrinks - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In December, a deal over prostate cance treatment the business had withfell through, and Cell Genesysx (NASDAQ:CEGE) counted the $40.9 million left over from a non-refundable $50 milliohn payment from Takeda as revenue. In the fourthy quarter, Cell Genesys stopped the GVAX prostatew cancer program and cut its stafd by about230 people. About 30 more people were cut after the end of the leaving 21 workers atthe business. More of those peoplse are set to be letgo “as additionall activities are phased out.” The company, whicu has set up a temporaryg head office in Hayward after ending its leaser in South San Francisco, lost $13.
3 million in the fourth quarter, compareds with a loss of $33.4 millionj a year earlier in the same Forthe year, Cell Genesyds lost $47 million, down from a loss of $99.4 million in 2007. Revenue in the fourth quartedrwas $47.4 million, up from revenue of $102,000 a year For the year, revenue was $94.6 up from revenue of $1.4 millionh in 2007. Cell Genesys took $71.8 million in impairment charges forthe year. It will have abouyt $73 million in cash, equivalents and short term investment s at the end of March and has hires to help it figure out what todo now, whethef to merge with a partner, sell parts of the or liquidate.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Prime Minister in Oslo - ANA
The Guardian | Prime Minister in Oslo ANA Noting that there were still problems with the size of state revenues, Papandreou claimed that these were not insuperable and that the government was still ... Leader Tries to R » |
Monday, September 13, 2010
Johnson doesn't melt down this time - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Johnson doesn't melt down this time Milwaukee Journal Sentinel AP By Gary D'Amato of the Journal Sentinel Lemont, Ill. - Some people thought it would take Dustin Johnson a long time to get over the double whammy of his ... |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
TiVo wins $103M more in Dish patent suit - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The decision by comes five yearxafter Alviso-based Tivo (NASDAQ:TIVO) sued EchoStar over whether some of its DVR technologg violates TiVo patents. Dish Networik (NASDAQ:DISH) used to be part of EchoStar It split into two companies at the startof 2008. A jury found in 2007 that software inDish Network'es set-top boxes violated TiVo patents covering DVR playbacik features, like the ability to pause and rewindr live programming while the DVR continues to Dish Network reprogrammed millions of its DVRs after the 2007 verdictg with a “workaround” it said removefd any infringing software.
But TiVo claimed Dish Network’s softwar e “workaround” continued the old paten violation and sought the contempg verdict from theTexaz court. Dish Network has alreadgy paidnearly $105 million of the damages and interest from the initiakl infringement judgement and has anotherf $27 million in escrow for TiVo, according to Securities & Exchange Commission filings. TiVo issuefd a statement Tuesday praising thecontempt “EchoStar may attempt to furthet delay this case, but we are very pleasexd the court has made it cleadr that there are major ramificationsd for continued infringement,” TiVo’s presas release said.
Dish Network issued a statemenrt Tuesday saying it will appeal the contempt verdicgt and seek a stay onthe verdict’s requirement that Dish starft disabling features in many of its DVRs within 30 “We believe a stay is warranted and that we have stron grounds for appeal. Our engineers spenr close to a year designingaround Tivo’s patent and removecd the very features that Tivo said infringed at Existing Dish Network customers with DVRs are not immediately impacted by these recent developments,” the company’s written statement said.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Bay Area names top stimulus priorities - Portland Business Journal:
Projects ranked among the highest in the plan covefr a wide range of proposalsincludintg high-speed rail construction, extending the BART line to San Jose and borinv another roadway in the East Bay’s Caldecott Together, the highest-priority projects are seekinvg more than $7 billion in stimuluw money. The priority list also includes a new stem cell researcnh facility at the inMarin County, energuy efficiency and solar retrofits of public and other building in San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland; energgy conversions to LED streetlights; transit-oriented development projects and workforces training and placement for laid-off employees.
“This plan is designexd to maximizeour region’s share of federal stimuluws funding and other state support that will benefirt the Bay Area in both the near and said Sean Randolph, CEO of the , whicbh was charged with compiling the list. The top 85 projects were classifiedas “strategic” priorities for the Bay Another 72 projects were considerefd “significant” but given a slightlyg lower ranking because they did not have the scale or regionalp impact of the most highluy ranked suggestions.
Those projects include things like a desalinationn project in the Montara Water and Sanitary building a clean technology demonstratio n manufacturing center in San Jose and outfittingt Burlingame city buildings with solar The plan, which can be found onlinee at, was the culmination of a three-mont vetting process. The report was sent to the . That statee agency, which requested that othee metropolitan regions around the state submitsimilar plans, will now take all those plans and help coordinate with citiees and counties to lobby the federal government on behalf of certain “This is to get people on the same page to minimizw the food fight where you have parts of the statee compete against one another,” said Dale head of the California Business Transportation and Housing Agency.
“Whay we’re doing is actin as a facilitator to help identifythe projects. The list’s authors said they hoped that rankinfg projects would help the regiomn get morestimulus money. “The Bay Area is the only region in Californiq that actually attemptedto prioritize,” Randolph “We think that’s important. We think that will make us more successfupl ingetting attention, in getting thoser resources for those very high valuwe projects.” Projects on the Economic Institute’x wish list could be in for a big About $30 billion in federal stimulus money will be divvied up in Sacramentp before going to various regions around California.
Another $20 billion is expected to be distributed directly in the state by federakl officials on adiscretionary basis. The chance to get dollare from the federal stimulus program led to a flurruyof proposals. Bay Area authorities sifted througuh almost570 suggestions. To make the cut, projectzs were supposed to spur job have regional impact and aligjn with state programs and amongother criteria. The Economic Institute called upon locall experts in specific fields to judge proposalsx that fit at leastt one ofseven categories: transportation, water, energy/climate, workforcs training and education, business development, science and innovatioh or housing.
The vast majority of projects that made it to theEconomicd Institute’s short list were from government A range of companies sought federaol stimulus, too, saying that their service woulf help boost the broader economy. For example, a Berkeley-based firm calles Picture it Sold sought stimulus money to franchisseits home-staging business. “We’re ready to move aheade with thisplan immediately,” the company wrote in its “and we’ll help thousands of families and the wholew economy to recover.” The company’ idea did not make the Economicf Institute’s highest priority cut.
But an appendix to the Economic Institute’s wish list includesz every proposalit received.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
G-20 security planning briefings scheduled - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The organizers — Three Rivers Contingencyy Planning Association, , the , the City of Pittsburgh and AlleghenuyCounty — will brief attendeees on what will be needed to assist the , whichu is in charge of security measures for the event. Safetgy precautions may call for: Heavy policer and military presence, policse dogs, surveillance, sharpshooters, light restrictions aroune the area, patrols, increasedd railroad security, extensive road closures and other Members of thebusiness community, including securithy officers, information officers, facilities managers and humahn resources personnel are encouraged to attend.
To weigh in on the planning process or submit concerns to be addressed atthe Aug. 5 e-mail An agenda and list of speakers will be postecdat
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Perea appointed as Dona Ana County magistrate -
Perea appointed as Dona Ana County magistrate AP - September 7, 2010 5:35 PM ET SANTA FE, NM (AP) - Conrad F. Perea has been reappointed to serve as a Dona Ana County magistrate. Perea, magistrate from ... Richardson Names New Magistrate Judge in Dona Ana County |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sales of imported ros wines leap 42 percent - St. Louis Business Journal:
U.S. retail sales of importex rosé wines leapt 42 percent in the 52 week periodc endingApril 4, compared with a less-than-5-percentg increases in total sales of table winez during the same period, according to data citeed by the . The French wine council, known in Francs as Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provenceor CIVP, said Mondauy the steep rise in rosé consumption is consistenyt with an earlier study by International Wine Spirit Record predicting that consumption of the popula pinkish wines worldwide will jump from 565 million bottlees to 620 million by 2012. Not the CIVP expects the growing thirst for imported wines inthe U.S.
market will bode well for particularly its Provencewine region. The French producde 28 percent ofworldwidr rosé wines by volume, making it the leaderd in the category, according to the wine counsel, which representws 700 Provence wineries and 55 locapl trading companies. Provence produces 38 percent of France’ws rosés, the group reported. Separately, Nielsen figures revealed that2008 U.S. sales of table wines priced at $6 per bottle or more jumpex 24.9 percent by price and 22.4 percentf by volume, despite a weakening economy.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
In final flurry, Ritter signs tourism-incentives bill, vetoes another labor measure - Charlotte Business Journal:
Ahead of Friday’s deadline for action on legislation, Ritte signed 12 bills, including Senate Bill 173, which will allo local governments to work with the statwe Economic Development Commission to usesome sales-tax money to attract and help to buildd tourist destinations. The bill, sponsored by formee Sen. Jennifer Veiga, D-Denver, is considered key to two pursuit of a NASCAdR track in separate areas east of But Ritter also vetoed SenateBill 180, whic would have given local firefighter the ability to engages in collective bargaining.
Business groups praised the move as one that will give the state a more stabldebusiness atmosphere, but unions blasted the Democrati governor for breaking a promise to look out for workingv Coloradans. Ritter said in a news conference that he had littld doubt on whether he would signthe tourism-taxc bill but struggled over the collective-bargaininb measure. Ritter said he vetoed SB 180 becausde it would have overturnedr the will of individual communities that have outlawed collectivd bargainingby public-safety workers and becausre local firefighters already can seek collectivde bargaining with their city governments.
“This was a wholesale success for a session in terms of what it did forworking families,” a son of a union membee and a former union member said, referring to laws that increase unemploymen benefits and get more people onto Medicaid. SB 173 rank s with a bill Ritter signed earlier this year that givez tax credits for job creation as two of hisstrongestf pro-business moves, said Travis Berry, lobbyist for the . Both measuresa give opportunities for private companies to work with the government to bring about big projects that they might not be able toaccomplisbh otherwise, he said.
the twin vetoes of SB 180 and an earliedrbill — House Bill which would have offeres unemployment benefits to union workers locked out durinf a work stoppage — send a signapl that the economic viabilithy of the state is a priorit of the administration, Berry “I think it sendx a message to employers that are either here thinking abougt growing or outside looking to come into the stat that they can find a predictable business climate instear of one that moves Berry said.
But Colorado AFL-CIiO Executive Director Mike Cerbol said that Ritter had turned his back on workersx who risk their lives and that his organizatiomn now will haveto “determine how to proceecd in its future relations with the Ritter Administration.” SB 180 sponsorinv Rep. Ed Casso, a Thornton Democrat whom some union members have approachex about running against Ritter ina primary, said he too was disappointeed in the governor’s Ritter also signed into law House Bill which limits the Colorado-source capital gains subtraction to the firsty $100,000 of gains on assetz held for five yearas or more.
Though business groups had asked him to veto the Ritter said he ultimately felt thatthe $15.8 million it would generate to help the recession-addledx state budget was a more important
Friday, September 3, 2010
2009 WNY elementary school rankings - Business First of Buffalo:
Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reached by clicking on the names of thoseschoolw below. A breakdown of the rankings for each section of Western New York can be accessedby . The followingt abbreviations havebeen used: CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle ES-Elementary School, HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Juniord High School, JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-High MS-Middle School, PS-Primary School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocationa High School. Each school is followed by the name of the district that operatesit (if it's a publif school) or the district where it is located (if it'w a private school). • 1. • 2. 3. • 4. • 5.
• 6. 7. • 8. • 9. • 10. 11. • 12. • 13. 14. • 15.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Blue Entertainment Sports Television to revive
The original “The Superstars” show aired on ABC in the mid-1970x as part of “Widew World of Sports.” The show was revives in 1987, 1993, 1998 and according to a news release. “One of the reasone why I love this show so much is becauser it was the original reality Michael Principe, managing director of Louisville-based BEST, said in an He serves as co-executivew producer of “The Superstars,” along with Juma presidenr Robert Horowitz. “The show has the perfectf home with the ABC includingand Disney. It givesa us huge distribution opportunities.
” The program, whicj will premiere Tuesday, June 23, at 8 features eight celebrities paired with eighyt professional male andfemale athletes, competing in athletidc challenges, including swimming, biking, running and • Soccer player Brandi Chastain and singee Julio Iglesias Jr. ESPN anchor John former player Warren Sappand “Inside the commentator Jenn Brown will serve as hosts. The competitionj is being held at the Atlantis Resorgt inthe Bahamas. Blue Entertainment Sports Television, a division of , is a television and live sportingv eventsproduction company.
The company also specializes in sportes marketing and agent representation for professionapl athletesand entertainers.